Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Nina's Teas USA, Marie-Antoinette

Nina's Teas Description:
Rose petals, apples, rose
A very delicate tea, flavored with apples & rose, with a touch of strongness with ceylon tea basis Apple aroma done with apples coming from King’s Kitchen Garden – Versailles.

Sample provided by Nina's Teas USA for review.

My Review:
Another sample I received totally as a surprise by Nina's Teas USA. Looking at the leaf I could see the manila colored petals. I had not yet read an ingredient list and wasn't sure what they were. I sniffed the dry leaf and it was strong, sour, and almost medicinal. Gee, I don't know if I am going to like this.

So, I poured the sample into my press and added water heated to just off boiling and let it steep for 3 minutes. The cup was orange brown and turned darker as it cooled. The aroma is now rose (oh, that's what the petals were) and something I am still not deciphering. It at least is pleasant and no longer medicinal.

I sip and I taste the rose and apples! I have not had many apple flavored teas and certainly none with rose. what an interesting combination. I would never have thought to put them together.

The Ceylon base is very smooth. They call it a touch of strongness. They have obviously never tried any of my barbarian Ceylons. I stand by smooth, maybe even gentle.

This is a smooth sophisticated cup with balanced and interesting flavors. It is a little more expensive than my usual fare but if you want to pamper yourself, this is a very nice cup.

Nina's Paris has been around for over 300 years. Just recently they have begun to sell tea in America. You can find at least some of the offerings on Amazon. They also plan to open an ecommerce webstore at ninasteastore.


  1. Hi Kevin,

    My name is Dorian and I am one of the French members working with Nina's Paris Team in the USA.

    As we are currently working very hard to open and widen our products in America, I just wanted to thank you very much not only for your positive rating and kind words about our Teas, and also for you support in our endeavor =)

    Feel free to try some others samples we offer, as well as to spread the word about our presence around your circles and family.

    Moreover, we remain with great pleasure at your service for any questions/needs you may have, you can also reach and support us in Steepster and with our Official Facebook page ("Nina's Paris Tea Store USA").

    Thank you very much again, we are very glad you have enjoyed our high-quality products as we work hard on their quality contents as well =)

    Best Regards,

    Dorian ROQUE

  2. Hi Dorian,

    Thank you very much for the samples and for linking my reviews on your Facebook page. Both were unexpected and much appreciated. I have two more Nina's Teas USA reviews that I will be posting in the next few days. Yes, they are both amazing.

    It would be a pleasure to review more of your products. The hard work speaks for itself in the quality of the sip.

    Much success in the US.

  3. Hi Kevin,

    You are welcome and it is with great pleasure =)

    I think that very often, the unexpected things are actually the best, joy comes when we are spontaneous =)

    Thank you very much you too for your positive and very kind feedback about our Teas and our company, we appreciate a lot as well all the more as we are "new" in the US Market and it is just the beginning of our setting-up over there ... so indeed we need a lot of support (Steepster, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon...) and word of mouth to continue all together our "adventure" =)

    Let us know if you have any questions/suggestions/needs, and we remain at your service with great pleasure, always to serve you as best as we can =)

    And I look forward to hearing from you soon, and why not meeting up in the USA when I will be there within a few months ... about a sweet cup of Tea for example =) We will see what life has for us ;)

    Take care,

